About this Site
London & Region Referrals and Resources Project (Londonreferral.com) was started by Dr. Adam Fogel, Dr. Kelly Lien and Dr. Munsif Bhimani in the 2010’s to help physicians in the region get the resources they need quickly and easily.
The site has listings/directory for local specialists, clinics, health services, resources, forms and referral forms, government paperwork, and more. The goal is to make these resources easy to find on our website to save doctors time, and doctors are able to find new services on our site.
Since 2022 the site is operated/managed by Simple Open Source Fund Inc. (SIMPLEOSF), a local nonprofit organization that specializes in healthcare technology and aims to improve care accessibility/efficiency by developing and sharing digital tools/resources that have a positive impact on care providers and patients.
Our team of content management experts, residents, and other students help improve the site on an ongoing basis. The project is an opportunity for students to learn about the process of referrals and how physicians function on a daily basis, and we have gotten much contribution from medical students and HIT students from the London region.